Visiting Us

Kula Gatherings

A kula is best defined in English as a clan.

Each kula gathers the night before each FULL MOON and NEW MOON for rituals, planning collective activities and to hangout as friends. We also gather on RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS (which mostly coincide with NEW MOONS and FULL MOONS.)

Kulas are held in-person, but will be held online (using Zoom) during government COVID restrictions.

Before coming to a gathering, we ask all attendees bring the following:

A candle or diya

An offering (flowers or fruit)

Kumkum or Sindoor - here is a recipe to make kumkum

Kula Activities

Each Kula gathering is unique. There are a few rituals that occur at each gathering:

  • Collective Candle/Diya Lighting or Ritual Fire (if permitted)

  • Kirtan

  • Flower and fruit offerings to the Goddesses

  • Group Check-in

Puja rituals typically involve one or more of the following: fire, water, offerings, flowers, mantras, chanting, and the consumption of food and drink. We try to mix things up each gathering to keep things interesting.

Some examples of activities at a kula gathering

Puja (Hindu worship rituals and ceremonies)

Kirtan (storytelling, music, group mantra chanting, etc.)



Collective art making

Food and beverages